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Maximize your cooling and heating system’s performance with these energy conservation tips!

Winter Energy Saving Tips

Winter Energy Tips
  • Let natural light in. Windows on the south side of the house get the most sunlight. Eastern windows get sunlight in the morning while west facing windows get sunlight in the evening. Open curtains and blinds during the day and close them at night.
  • Identify and correct air leaks around windows, doors and electrical outlets by caulking or weatherstripping them
  • Keep radiators clean for maximum efficiency.
  • Thermal Insulation – Make sure your ceiling has at least six inches
  • Wrap your pipes with a pipe sleeve or electrical heat tape to guard against heat loss and prevent pipes from bursting.
  • Tune up your heating system – it’ll ensure you get best performance from every drop of heating oil burned.
  • Keep things closed – Kitchen vents,  fireplace damper and closet doors when not using.
  • Install glass doors – if you have a fireplace this will give you added insulation and reduced heat loss.
  • Purchase a humidifier. Dry, indoor air can reduce how effective your heating system works. Installing a humidifier can not only help out with saving energy costs at home but will improve indoor air quality as well.

Summer Energy Saving Tips

Summer Energy Tips
  • Keep curtains and blinds closed throughout the day to keep the sun out
  • Check Vents – Make sure air conditioning vents aren’t blocked by anything such as furniture
  • Install an attic fan – it can cool your attic 30° and making not going up there such a drag!
  • Cook on the grill – Using the stove or ovens will warm your home
  • Turn the thermostat back 10 – 15 degrees –  This will save you as much as 10% a year.
  • Install reflective window coatings to reflect the sun away from your home keep your furniture and flooring from fading.  These also can increase your privacy.
  • Plant Trees – Do this strategically so the shade will hit your home during the hottest hours.
  • Change or clean your AC filters monthly while the AC unit is in use to improve efficiency and extend the life of the unit.
  • Use ceiling fans if possible – they’re much cheaper to operate than air conditioners, and moving air feels cooler, so you can keep your thermostat to a warmer setting.
  • Open windows when it’s nice out – When the sun goes down or on cloudy days, it might be cooler outdoors than in your home.  Hanging out outdoors will reduce heat as well!
  • Keep the coils of your central or window air conditioner free of dust and debris.

Year-Round Energy Conservation Tips

Year Round Energy Conservation
  • Close the doors on rooms you don’t use – and remember to shut the vents as well.
  • Purchase fluorescent light bulbs. They last up to 10-13 times longer than standard bulbs and use 75% less energy.
  • Install dimmer switches. In addition to enhancing the room’s ambiance, they’ll extend the life of your bulbs and help you save up to 60% on your lighting expenses.
  • Buy a programmable thermostat – when set properly this can shave $100 off your annual energy bills while saving electricity at home.
  • Fix leaky faucets, especially hot water ones. One drop per second can add up to 165 gallons per month – more than a person uses in two weeks.
  • Take short showers instead of baths. A five-minute shower will use about 7.5 gallons of water; filling a bathtub with water can use up to 20 gallons.
  • Keep the fridge & oven closed – Every time you do, up to 30% of the air inside can escape.
  • Wash smarter – use cooler water when doing laundry, it will generally do just as good of a job as warmer water and can cut a load’s energy in half.
  • Air dry clothes on lines or racks when possible. Air-drying is recommended by clothing manufacturers for some fabrics, and it could help brighten some clothes.
  • Turn your water heater down to the lowest setting while your are gone for extended periods of time.