Air Conditioning & Plumbing Tips for Your Vacation


Getting away for the summer is an important past time, but before you head down the shore or up to the mountains, you’ll want to know about these air conditioning and plumbing tips for your vacation!

It’s a heated (or cooled) debate of how to handle your air conditioning and plumbing for when you’re planning on a week-long sojourn away from home. At Tindall & Ranson, we’re here to help you ensure that your home is prepared for your time away.


Should You Turn Off Your Air Conditioning When on Vacation?

You may wonder if you should turn your air off before leaving for the week. You actually don’t want to do that due to the sweltering heat of summer. Having your home heating up for that prolonged period could result in some issues. If you have wood floors, they could warp. It can also create condensation in your home, which could affect appliances and furniture.

It’s best to leave your air on but set to a manageable temperature like 75 degrees. This way, your home won’t heat up while you’re away, and your system won’t work too hard to get cool for when you get home from your trip.


Here are some tips for when you’re getting ready to go on vacation:


Check for Leaks Before Leaving

In order to avoid any issues, or wasted energy, you’ll want to inspect both your plumbing and HVAC system for leaks. Plumbing leaks could lead to significant damage if left unchecked. HVAC leaks will cause the fresh air to seep out and prevent your home from maintaining the temperature that you set.


Keep Your Curtains Closed

Keeping your curtains closed while you’re away serves two important purposes. It helps keep heat from the sun out of your home. It also hides the fact that you’re away, because closed curtains imply someone within that’s seeking privacy.


Check Your Sinks & Toilets

A dripping sink or a toilet handle stuck can cause your plumbing to run unnecessarily while you’re away. This can create issues over the week. To prevent this issue, be sure to check all of your sinks and toilets to make sure that they’re not running or dripping.


Use an Automated Thermostat

There have been a lot of technological advancements in the realm of home comfort. If you’re tech-savvy, you may want to install a modern thermostat that allows you to remotely access your home’s AC unit. You can even set a timer to have the air running during the hotter parts of the day while turning off at night when it’s cooler.


Have Your Sump Pump Tested

Your sump pump is in place to prevent your basement from flooding in the event of heavy rains. Summer is notorious for spontaneous storms, but if you’re away, you’ll want to make sure that your sump pump is functioning properly.


Get Your Plumbing & HVAC Inspected Before Leaving

It’s always a good idea to have your plumbing and AC unit inspected and serviced prior to taking a vacation. This is to ensure that the units and systems are well-maintained and free of any issues from occurring while you’re away.


Contact Tindall & Ranson Today

At Tindall & Ranson, we’re here to help keep your home comfortable when your home or away. If you’re looking to have your systems inspected and serviced, you can look to us for help! You can even sign up for our Care Free Maintenance Program to help you stay ahead of any issues and receive head-of-the-line service in emergency situations!


Contact us today!

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